Thursday, April 8, 2010

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Green Dating and Ethical Dating

It should make it quite clear that harmony appeals to more left-oriented people. For what will a conservative with a partner agency, which among other things, specifically to gay men, lesbians, transsexuals, bisexuals and people with BDSM tendencies used? And with vegetarians, vegans and animal rights activists and environmentalists, that form a very substantial proportion of our members, a Conservative can probably do little. But kalherzige neoliberals will feel at ease and little harmony would probably hardly placement opportunities. For the majority of the members of harmony emphasizes social justice and solidarity. Of course harmony is connected to any political party - that would be absurd - but it certainly is, that just followers of the CDU / CSU and probably hardly supporters of today's profoundly anti-social FDP might find in unison. Certainly we do not know it, but it would surprise us already. In English the concept of harmony can be a partner agency with the best words in the "Green Dating" or describe "ethical Dating". In consonance meet people hold, is the environmentally responsible and in solidarity with each other at a central location as well as the seriousness of their friendship and Dating Search. This is also the reason why we are about to test a new charging system, which includes an extreme reduction in fees for only 40 € per year for full membership. This does not apply, of course, our social tariff, which is made possible membership for one euro per month and awarded on request. We have ihn eingeführt, damit Harz-IV Empfänger hier nicht ausgeschlossen werden.

Seit Gründung 2006 sind wir insgesamt mit der Entwicklung von Gleichklang doch ziemlich zufrieden. Natürlich gibt es bei so einem Thema wie der Partnersuche auch immer wieder Unzufriedenheiten und Beschwerden, die vielen positiven Rückmeldungen unserer Mitglieder und die zahlreich entstandenen Partnerschaften zwischen solidarisch denkenden Menschen erfreuen uns aber doch sehr.

Manche finden es anstößig, dass man überhaupt mit einem Dating-System Geld verdienen möchte. Die Liebe ist nicht käuflich, heißt es. So eine Argumentation finden wir aber verlogen: In dieser Gesellschaft müssen wir alle zusehen, auch Geld zu Deserve to reproduce ourselves. Doctors and psychology are also paid as a teacher and pastor. The fact that we want to earn money with harmony and lead the company to profitability in order to secure the staff and guarantee a minimum tariff provisions paying jobs, we find nothing objectionable. Thus, it is not offensive, but we do everything possible so that ultimately everyone can afford membership in unison.

harmony will be and is a real alternative to the more main player in the dating market, we can now find it confidently Sun


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