Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Austin Dentist Open Saturday

cabbage farmers pay more money to Poland

Das zunehmend geringere Interesse der polnischen Erntehelfer wird auch in Schleswig-Holstein festgestellt. Bei der Kohlernte versuchen die Bauern, durch höhere Löhne ein völliges Ausbleiben der Polen zu verhindern.

So berichtet die Welt am 17. September:
Mit deutlich höheren Stundenlöhnen haben Dithmarschens Kohlbauern nach eigenen Angaben in diesem Jahr ihre polnischen Erntehelfer nach Schleswig-Holstein gelockt. congested compared to the previous year to the 240 vegetable farmers costs of about EUR 750 000, said Karl-Albert Brandt of Gemüseanbauerverband Dithmarschen in Marne at the opening of Kohl Dithmarscher days. "From the plants of the seedlings to harvest and preparation of the stock per hectare come together more than 300 working hours." Each year about 1,600 harvesters working mainly from Poland in the region.

The cabbage harvest of the order of the fields to harvest is a hard back-breaking work at low wages. There was hardly any German harvest workers who wanted to work for four to seven euros an hour. For farmers this is a problem, since Germany in foreign pickers today usually as "cheap labor" applies. In the Netherlands, Great Britain and Ireland could earn considerably more seasonal workers. More competition is the Polish labor market in which there is increasingly attractive jobs.

the cited article can be found here .

Monday, September 8, 2008

How To Fix Soul Silver Mac

NABU: orchard harvest in 2008 with 900,000 tonnes Recent nationwide survey orchards

Berlin - Estimates of the NABU National Committee is the German apple orchard crop in orchards scattered this year at around 900,000 tonnes. Thus it is slightly above the average for the years 1995 to 2007. The apple harvest was in extensive fruit in the years 1980 to 1994 average to 1.1 million tonnes.

"2008 is available in the main fruit growing areas of Baden-Württemberg, Franconia and Hesse almost consistently higher than average harvest - the orchard is like bad harvests, for example, from Saxony-Anhalt. The pears harvest, which is of great importance in the south of Germany, 2008 will turn out below average, "said Mark Roesler, Chairman of the Federal Advisory Committee NABU orchard.

's largest fruit growing region of Central Europe is the foothills of the Swabian Alb. There are over 30,000 hectares of nationally 300000-400000 hectares of orchards important raw material factor and recreation area at the same time. The orchard area in Voralbgebiet is larger by several times as the largest low-strain regions of the Old Country in Hamburg rund 10.000 Hektar oder der Bodenseeregion mit rund 8.000 Hektar. Im Durchschnitt liegt auch die Streuobsternte höher als im Plantagenobstbau, dessen Fläche mit 70.000 Hektar nur ein Sechstel der Gesamtobstanbaufläche in Deutschland ausmacht.

Die Verwertung der Streuobsternte in Deutschland teilt sich bei großen regionalen Unterschieden wie folgt auf: 40 bis 50 Prozent geht in die Eigenverwertung von Privathaushalten, etwa 20 bis 30 Prozent wird von Keltereien zu Getränken verarbeitet, je zehn Prozent werden als Tafelobst vermarktet bzw. nicht geerntet, und je fünf Prozent wird zu Obstbränden bzw. zu Sonderprodukten wie Mus, Marmelade und Dörrobst verarbeitet.

Die letzte bundesweite Erhebung des Streuobstbaus found in the Federal Republic in 1965, to the issue of the new countries 1938th This lack of reliable data bases for an industry with billions of transactions, while major importance for biological diversity. NABU therefore calls on Federal Agriculture Minister Horst Seehofer, to support a nationwide survey of orchard building.

For further information: Dr. Mark Roesler
, NABU BFA orchard 07042-8188261, Email:
related to the Internet at and

NABU Press Office Telephone: 0 30-28 49 84-1510, -1520,
Fax: 0 30-28 49 84-2500, E-mail:
Editor: Kathy Klinkusch, Johanna Theunissen

Bonn - Published by press relations

link to press release:

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Purple Circle On My Ipod Touch

urgently needed contribution to the theme of harvest workers ZDF