Friday, November 14, 2008

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harvest workers in mushroom cultivation exploited

harvest workers are exploited, unfortunately, still, even if the course is not the rule! Here again is a negative example from the Augsburg, Allgemeine Zeitung:

They labored in the chord, harvested mushrooms and Egerling for 15 cents per kilo. But the agency workers who were flown in from Poland to a dozen mushroom growers in the area of Augsburg, had neither a work permit nor were they registered for social insurance. The illegal practices with cheap labor, which were discovered in March 2007 during an audit by customs workers, now the justice system.

had in two similar procedures before District Judge Andrea laser, two Polish nationals - a 45-year-old man and a 35-year-old woman - because of violations accountable to the Employment Act. Both were holders of temporary employment agencies and had over the years some 100 Poles as harvesters to Grow taught. The foreigners worked as a kind of false self-employed own account.

The two defendants (defender: Moritz Bode) put confessions in court, but protested that they had believed that all necessary permits are concerned by the German mushroom growers, what this would have assured them. The court sentenced the two work forces lenders to a 20 month suspended sentence. They also have to pay total of about EUR 21 000 money circulation.

Source:,-Illegal-pickers-in-Mushroom-_arid, 1363899_regid, 2_puid, 2_pageid, 4490.html

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

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Federal Council has not voted

Anscheinend war die Tagesordnung überfüllt: Der Bundesrat hat auf seiner ersten Novembersitzung jedenfalls nicht über die Verlängerung der Arbeitserlaubnis für Saisonarbeiter von vier auf sechs Monate abgestimmt. Es ist jedoch davon auszugehen, dass die Regelung trotzdem zum Januar in Kraft tritt. Auf der vorübergehenden Tagesordnung des Bundesrats für nächste Sitzung am 28.11 ist der TOP aber noch nicht eingetragen.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Official Kyodai Mahjongg

press release of the Farmers' Association to extend the seasonal work period

Osteuropäische Saisonarbeitskräfte können 6 Monate beschäftigt werden
Die mögliche Beschäftigungsdauer von Saisonarbeitskräften aus bestimmten osteuro­päischen Countries will increase from four to six months. German Farmers Association (DBV), General Association of the German agricultural and forestry employers' organizations, Federal, state assembly and many members of parliament as well as affected businesses and trade organizations have used for some time for an extension to nine months. After the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs has given up his opposition now in part, at least the way for an extension of the tenure of six months off. The final approval of the Bundesrat is still pending. DBV and General Association welcome the extension, although an extension to nine months, more advantageous for many companies would have been.

DBV and General Association point out that the basic problem will remain for the special crops in Germany, however. The availability of a sufficient number of suitable seasonal workers to economically reasonable wages will not continue to be added to the extent that companies need it. Medium term, the profitability of production determines the level of maintenance of the special crop production in Germany, say the organizations. Since labor costs constitute in many businesses, the largest cost factor, these are only by the availability of seasonal workers vital. Therefore demand DBV and General Association continues the conclusion of bilateral agreements with Eastern European countries outside the European Union and the implementation of the overall labor mobility in Germany.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What Kind Of Weave To Use For Bowl Haircut

harvest workers desperately searched

Just found: article on the World-Online about the shortage of harvest workers. Although the article is a bit dated (from 2007), but still worth reading.

Here's the link:

harvest workers searched frantically

Monday, October 20, 2008

How To Get To Pink On Cubefeild


The search for a suitable harvesters is sometimes more difficult than expected. In general, one saves a lot of trouble when an intermediary, as the service function of the central foreign and Placement Services (ZAV not the Federal Employment Agency, especially for good service is known. It's for a public authority would not be possible to find harvest workers in Bulgaria and to "lure" to Germany.
trust you will be better on a qualified service questions on the subject harvesters .

Friday, October 17, 2008

What Exactly Is Rephresh Gel

handicap-Love: In unison, we also support especially the disabled to find partners

harmony is dedicated to all groups who have more serious in finding a partner. This also applies to people with physical or mental disabilities and physical or psychological / mental disorders. As always, we have also implemented our Standard Principle: Each member is asked to imagine a partnership or friendship with a person with disability and illness can. Fundamentally sound this question a bit discriminatory, but the result is that an effective partner search is possible. Without question many would V0rschläge offers, which were not few a priori doomed to failure. Among these would be lost then the few matching suggestions. Using this simple additional question and its installation in our switching algorithm, we can guarantee the other hand, for people with handicaps (handicap) best chances of sustained success, even though it may take even longer to find the best matching person.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

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How do you find harvest workers from Eastern Europe

About harvest workers from Eastern Europe always takes more via the Internet, and therefore I would like to focus only on that possibility.

Since you are looking for harvest workers from Eastern Europe, Thus low-skilled seasonal workers, usually with little or no language skills remains in der Regel zu einer Kooperation mit einem Vermittler in Polen, Bulgarien, Rumänien, Kroatien usw. keine Alternative. Um Ihre Auslagen auch steuerrechtlich geltend machen zu können, sollten Sie darauf achten, dass es sich bei dem Vermittler um ein Unternehmen handelt, dass als Firma registriert ist und die Lizenz zur Vermittlung von Personal hat.

Internetseiten, die einen unseriösen Eindruck auf Sie machen, sollten Sie umgehend wieder verlassen. Teilweise sind die Vermittler nicht in der Lage, Angaben über die rechtliche Situation im jeweiligen Land zu machen. Auch hier gilt: Finger weg! Können die Vermittler Referenzen aufweisen??? Und suchen Sie nicht den billigsten Anbieter, denn dieser hat möglicherweise noch nie Erntehelfer vermittelt und dementsprechend keine soliden Kalkulationsgrundlagen, hier könnten Sie zum Beginn der Erntesaison ganz ohne Erntehelfer aus Osteuropa dastehen. Hier noch eine Empfehlung: Vermittlungsdienst für Erntehelfer aus Osteuropa .

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transsexual and intersex people in finding partners for

harmony is the world for a few days the only psychological matchmaking service, which also specifically allows transgender and intersex effective partner search. Without such a specific option, the participation of transgender and intersex in classical models of matchmaking on the Internet is almost hopeless. In direct contrast, sound are now the chances of transsexual or interesexuellen people well, in time to the one that really make them suitable people for life.

harmony asked all its members whether they are partnered with existing inter-sexuality or transsexuality the other member to be proposed can imagine. Only when this question is yes, is a suggestion. This harmony can ensure that his transsexual and intersex members do not always disappointment and rejection, but to know exactly which people learn to accept their assessment.

relate Although transsexualism and transgender-called - and intersexuality - also called the dirtte sex - a relatively small Percentage of the population. Harmony but finds it unfair that the only reason that they constitute a minority no effective dating system is given by the hand. Therefore decided harmony, and his transsexual intersex members with the new placement option to promote specific.

hopes as a small value and harmony expected in an active link to Internet sites that deal with transgender issues and interesexuellen.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Austin Dentist Open Saturday

cabbage farmers pay more money to Poland

Das zunehmend geringere Interesse der polnischen Erntehelfer wird auch in Schleswig-Holstein festgestellt. Bei der Kohlernte versuchen die Bauern, durch höhere Löhne ein völliges Ausbleiben der Polen zu verhindern.

So berichtet die Welt am 17. September:
Mit deutlich höheren Stundenlöhnen haben Dithmarschens Kohlbauern nach eigenen Angaben in diesem Jahr ihre polnischen Erntehelfer nach Schleswig-Holstein gelockt. congested compared to the previous year to the 240 vegetable farmers costs of about EUR 750 000, said Karl-Albert Brandt of Gemüseanbauerverband Dithmarschen in Marne at the opening of Kohl Dithmarscher days. "From the plants of the seedlings to harvest and preparation of the stock per hectare come together more than 300 working hours." Each year about 1,600 harvesters working mainly from Poland in the region.

The cabbage harvest of the order of the fields to harvest is a hard back-breaking work at low wages. There was hardly any German harvest workers who wanted to work for four to seven euros an hour. For farmers this is a problem, since Germany in foreign pickers today usually as "cheap labor" applies. In the Netherlands, Great Britain and Ireland could earn considerably more seasonal workers. More competition is the Polish labor market in which there is increasingly attractive jobs.

the cited article can be found here .

Monday, September 8, 2008

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NABU: orchard harvest in 2008 with 900,000 tonnes Recent nationwide survey orchards

Berlin - Estimates of the NABU National Committee is the German apple orchard crop in orchards scattered this year at around 900,000 tonnes. Thus it is slightly above the average for the years 1995 to 2007. The apple harvest was in extensive fruit in the years 1980 to 1994 average to 1.1 million tonnes.

"2008 is available in the main fruit growing areas of Baden-Württemberg, Franconia and Hesse almost consistently higher than average harvest - the orchard is like bad harvests, for example, from Saxony-Anhalt. The pears harvest, which is of great importance in the south of Germany, 2008 will turn out below average, "said Mark Roesler, Chairman of the Federal Advisory Committee NABU orchard.

's largest fruit growing region of Central Europe is the foothills of the Swabian Alb. There are over 30,000 hectares of nationally 300000-400000 hectares of orchards important raw material factor and recreation area at the same time. The orchard area in Voralbgebiet is larger by several times as the largest low-strain regions of the Old Country in Hamburg rund 10.000 Hektar oder der Bodenseeregion mit rund 8.000 Hektar. Im Durchschnitt liegt auch die Streuobsternte höher als im Plantagenobstbau, dessen Fläche mit 70.000 Hektar nur ein Sechstel der Gesamtobstanbaufläche in Deutschland ausmacht.

Die Verwertung der Streuobsternte in Deutschland teilt sich bei großen regionalen Unterschieden wie folgt auf: 40 bis 50 Prozent geht in die Eigenverwertung von Privathaushalten, etwa 20 bis 30 Prozent wird von Keltereien zu Getränken verarbeitet, je zehn Prozent werden als Tafelobst vermarktet bzw. nicht geerntet, und je fünf Prozent wird zu Obstbränden bzw. zu Sonderprodukten wie Mus, Marmelade und Dörrobst verarbeitet.

Die letzte bundesweite Erhebung des Streuobstbaus found in the Federal Republic in 1965, to the issue of the new countries 1938th This lack of reliable data bases for an industry with billions of transactions, while major importance for biological diversity. NABU therefore calls on Federal Agriculture Minister Horst Seehofer, to support a nationwide survey of orchard building.

For further information: Dr. Mark Roesler
, NABU BFA orchard 07042-8188261, Email:
related to the Internet at and

NABU Press Office Telephone: 0 30-28 49 84-1510, -1520,
Fax: 0 30-28 49 84-2500, E-mail:
Editor: Kathy Klinkusch, Johanna Theunissen

Bonn - Published by press relations

link to press release:

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

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urgently needed contribution to the theme of harvest workers ZDF

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

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clear all ??????????

Have you ever tried to bid for harvest workers? Up to 80 percent cheaper? Now you know that something is possible!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Happy Marriage Islam Message

New website informs about the current topic mediation Bulgarian Saisonarbeitskräfte nach Deutschland.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Why Does It Sound Like My Newborn Has Phlegm

2008 harvest fewer Polish workers in Germany

Deutschland: Weniger polnische Erntehelfer
In Deutschland sind in diesem Jahr weniger Erntehelfer aus Polen im Einsatz als in früheren Jahren. Im August seien es nur 165.000 polnische Saisonarbeitnehmer gewesen im Vergleich zu 197.000 ein Jahr zuvor, zitiert der Ernährungsdienst einen Sprecher der Bundesagentur für Arbeit. Als Gründe gelten eine bessere Bezahlung in anderen Ländern, zum Beispiel in Grossbritannien, und die bessere Lage der polnischen Wirtschaft. Um Engpässe zu vermeiden, sollen mögliche Lücken in Absprache mit Rumänien und Bulgarien geschlossen werden. Im August gab es 64.000 rumänische Erntehelfer – 18.000 mehr als im Vorjahr. Aus Bulgarien kamen erstmals 1.000 Saisonkräfte.


Zitiert von folgender Quelle: GABOT, 21.08.2008

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Facebook Of Denise Milani

"too little attractive"

Die Arbeitslosenrate in Biel ist stark gesunken, die Zahl der Fürsorgebezüger bleibt sehr hoch. Warum finden diese keine Arbeit?

LT. Die Landwirtschaft sucht händeringend Erntehelfer. Die Arbeit ist zwar körperlich anspruchsvoll, eine Ausbildung dagegen ist nicht nötig und rudimentäre Sprachkenntnisse genügen.

Auf der anderen Seite leben in Biel knapp 5000 Personen von der Fürsorge. Unter ihnen viele im werktätigen Alter, viele sind schlecht ausgebildet, 50 Prozent sind Ausländer oder Secondos. Da stellt the question: why not look at the log Zealanders growers, harvesters?

"Many of our clients are physically and psychologically to beat," says Béatrice Reusser, head of the Social Welfare Office Bieler. And who is able to work that would lead the social services in the financial independence, what a season point did not offer as harvest helpers: "It's not very attractive to work for a few months, to then again be dependent on welfare payments." Even the minimum wage seems to be less attractive of 3200 francs: "The salary should be high enough to create independence," says Reusser.

Cited aus folgender Quelle. Bieler Tagesblatt

Mens Style Mid-thirties

No more harvesters?

Fast ein Drittel der beantragten Erntehelfer im Kreis Wesel blieb entweder aus oder fuhr vorzeitig nach Hause. Ein Problem für die Landwirte in der Umgebung ?

Hünxe/Voerde Die Kreisbauernschaft klagt über einen Mangel an Erntehelfern. Viele von ihnen seien nicht zur Arbeit erschienen oder vorzeitig wieder zurück in die Heimat gereist. Besonders für die polnischen Erntehelfer würde es sich oft nicht mehr lohnen, den langen Weg zu den deutschen Höfen und die Trennung von ihrer Heimat auf sich zu nehmen, um hier ihr Geld zu verdienen.

Erfahrungen damit hat auch Dirk Buchmann Schulte-of-court Drevenack made in Hünxe. "The refusal rate for Polish workers has increased," he says. When he needed extra workers for the asparagus, came from many last minute cancellations. "The Polish economy is booming and many harvesters as simply lacking the incentive to come for several months in Germany and work there." In the asparagus season, the farmer, however, has already found an alternative for the Polish staff. "We were the first Romanians with it. They were really happy when they get their salary, "says Dirk Buchmann. The

his helpers for the harvest and then satisfied by Hause fahren können, ist dem Landwirt wichtig. Auch für das kommende Jahr plant er, wieder rumänische Hilfskräfte für die Ernte einzustellen. Sorgen darüber, ob er auch in den kommenden Jahren genug Erntehelfer zur Verfügung hat, macht er sich noch nicht. „Wobei es natürlich irgendwann knapp werden könnte, wenn sich die Länder in Osteuropa auch weiter wirtschaftlich an die EU anpassen.“

Auch Marc Heinrich Möltgen vom Möllenhof im Voerde Stadtteil Möllen hat schon einige Probleme mit seinen Erntehelfern gehabt. „Es war schon ein bisschen schwierig. Nach der Ernte gab es bei den Gehaltszahlungen harte Nachverhandlungen mit den polnischen Erntehelfern“, sagt der Landwirt.

Zitiert aus folgender Quelle:

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Rdbm

harvest and seasonal workers - a new blog

Erntehelfer und Saisonarbeiter aus Osteuropa gehören fest zum Bild des deutschen Mittelstandes. Ohne ihren Einsatz in Landwirtschaft, Weinbau und Gastronomie käme unser Land zum Stillstand.

Dieser Blog soll die Thematik aus der Sicht der Arbeitgeber beleuchten und aktuelle Entwicklungen darstellen, etwa relevante Änderungen im Versicherungsrecht, Arbeitsrecht und Steuerrecht.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Bleeding Following Leep

harmony: the result of developments

After some time we do not even post an intermediate stage on the further development of harmony.

is now clear that harmony has positioned itself on the market as a small but special dating service provider. With our special offers for single parents Parents, vegetarians and vegans, artists, asexuals, bisexuals, people with increased body weight (used to say overweight), people with physical or mental illness, etc., we find again a resonance in the media, whether on the radio and television or in magazines as Psychology Today, Joy and friend. This means that our reputation continues to grow.

the meantime, we have shifted our agency strong on the preference principle. In the first step, the partner needs to be recognized only in the second step, an optimization of the similarity of personalities. The reason for this is that we became increasingly clear that the largest Similarity is no point in the mutual expectations and wishes with regard to the partners (including the exterior) are not compatible. Unison is the only provider that pulls the preferences as the main selection criterion for the dating service.

We also recorded a special interest of lesbians and bisexual women. We explain this by saying that just lesbian relationships are often more stable, probably because in lesbian women to an increased extent there is a readiness to establish common ground and maintain it.

In heterosexual field more women than men participate in mediation. The ratio is about 60 to 40 We assume aus, dass dies ein unveränderlicher Prozess ist, weil nun einmal Frauen nach allen Studien deutlich stärker interessiert sind an Psychologie etc. als Männer. Demgegenüber sind Männer bei Erotik-Seiten überrepräsentiert. Wir glauben, dass Angaben zu einer 50:50 Verteilung anderer Anbieter entweder darauf beruhen, dass der psychologische Anspruch geringer ist oder aber diese Angaben nicht den Tatsachen entsprechen. Keineswegs bedeutet dies, dass heterosexuelle Frauen bei Gleichklang schlechtere Chancen hätten. Denn hier treffen sie auf einen ausgewählten Kreis an Männern, die sich durch ein besonderes Interesse an Psychologie oder eine Offenheit für entsprechende Themen sowie eine hohe Ernsthaftigkeit bei der Partnersuche mark.

to the success of harmony partner search, we were able to identify the members survey three approximately equally strong groups:

The SUCCESSFUL have already found partnership or are in the immediate phase of the partnership structure, the Hopeful already had contacts, but then but again are asleep. The resignation had no contacts, and see little hope. SUCCESSFUL and hopeful are satisfied, the resigned are generally dissatisfied.

The reason for the allocation to the groups successfully, hope and joy Resigned lie partly in personal characteristics or search space constraints (eg search only in a very small geographical area). In all this it may take some time, made up proposals and the total proposed number remains very small. To another part of it, is also on de4m communication behavior. We have found that those who from the start of contact, and cipher messages have the best chance, even the target of its membership - to achieve - partnership. In contrast, the chances are those who respond only smaller. No chance, those who register not answer yet.

Another key factor in determining the success or failure lies in patience. Dating is often no process of a couple of weeks, but usually 1-2 years. While also reach us on news that a partnership has been found almost immediately, but that is the exception. Members of harmony must be prepared that often arise from the first proposal to continue their series no contacts. If you already throws in the towel has already lost. But whoever it is committed and continues to communicate, for the person, the chances are very good that at some point end up once the really right man or his profile in his or her attendance area. Members who heed it are, according to our analysis actually very good chance that this happens just as well.

We received positive feedback with success stories and enthusiastic letter of thanks. We will also receive news of dissatisfaction and complaints. We welcome the positive messages and take the negative news seriously. We have concluded that the majority of the negative news is based on unrealistic ideas and expectations. Thus, there are members who thought they would get 100 or more recommended partners. My other after weeks, it was all over because of the partner or the partner was not found. Sometimes we annoy us, because we have all shown very well on our sites. Then we wonder that members expect mass lists of proposals, although this principle, but our very opposite would be.

mass lists for the dating service to destroy our opinion, the possibility of success in finding partners. If everyone receives 100 proposals, which means then one proposal? How is one to be noted, if the other also has 100 other suggestions? Dating is something other than buying clothes. It is crucial that a limited number will be displayed on potentially suitable person over time. Everything else is in contrast even harmful. It may serve short-term consumer interests, but not an effective partner search.

have the seniors we have deficits, but especially this area where we Apply and maintain. We will go from a future faster development. Above all, we note that succeed far fewer proposals for the elderly most frequently exchanges. We believe this is because senior citizens on average, the partner search much more realistic and sensible approach than the jünghere clientele. Sun seniors can clearly recognize the value of the resulting value of the proposals and get involved with the people, instead of waiting only to never actually encountered in absolutely all the features perfectly suitable people. That even now, despite their under-representation of senior citizens within the consonance-Dating have good prospects of success pleases us. We think this is more and more under rumsprechen seniors. Even today is about 1 / 3 of the new members of harmony through direct referrals.

Overall we are satisfied with the outcome, just as the majority of our members. However, further changes are. So we will continue to be multilingual. Also we will consider even more the possibility of switching to very specific, but central leisure interests, and we as this for the range of riding tuen already. So far

can say that harmony is a small but successful project is continuing to grow with good chances of its members to achieve the purpose of its membership and to find the one man for life!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

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Cell Phone Bundle with Belinea 1 already from 0,00 €

Handybundle with Belinea 1 already from 0,00 €