Friday, July 21, 2006

Respone Card Wording Funny

press release on our psychological testing

partner agency harmony offers insight into psychological tests

OpenPR, 21.07.2006 08:38 (openPR) -

The Internet Dating Portal offers for all visitors to its website from now on the possibility of a battery of psychological tests to try non-binding.
Participating a detailed text-based and visual-visual feedback on their results. In this way they get to know yourself better and be able to compare their results simultaneously with the profiles of partners, friends and acquaintances.

This action would make the Internet portal his philosophy of dating experience with psychology. Already, more than 2,000 people participated and won insight into their personality and their relationship formation.

personality is important, but not all long for partnerships, the experts in unison. The direct sound test procedure and hence must be a determination of the personality. In addition to biographical Erlebnissen, Interessen und gesellschaftlichen Einstellungen werden insbesondere Stile der Liebe und Beziehungsgestaltung erfasst. Erhoben werden individuelle Bedürfnisse, Wünsche und Ansprüche an zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen, die sich zum Beispiel auf die Nähe-Distanz-Regulation, das Ausmaß an Emotionalität, Autonomie- und Exklusivitätsansprüchen sowie Formen der Konfliktregulation beziehen. So gibt es pragmatische, freundschaftliche, romantische, spielerische, altruistische und besitzergreifende Formen der Beziehungsgestaltung.

Treffen inkompatible Liebesstile aufeinander, sind Unglück und Scheitern einer Beziehung vorprogrammiert. Treffen kompatible Stile aufeinander, sind dagegen gute Voraussetzungen given for relationship satisfaction and longevity.

The only dating service of its kind considered in addition to individual personality, love and relationship styles to ensure optimum matching.

with its latest campaign "testing" would make the company's attention, and convince them of his work. Of these, the company expects an extension of his file, which is still under construction. According offers harmony all test enthusiasts an attractive introductory offer to get the same connection for dating or friendship search the site.

partner agency harmony Limited
Marianne Platz 24 10997 Berlin

Tel: 01805 77,723,331
Fax: 01805 7772 3332

Partners Agency harmony Limited is a nation-wide company that specializes in the placement of partnerships and friendships with methods of psychology. The brokerage will be offered over the Internet and by mail. The company is led by three certified psychologists and a degree in mathematics.


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