1 € Summer Action Week partner agency Gleichklang.de
(press release) The psychological Internet Dating Portal http://www.gleichklang.de/ offers From now on, during his summer campaign weeks to participate in the Friendship and dating for just one euro a month on. With this unique action, a decision on the renewal at the end of each week, aims to Gleichklang.de to increase its participants and available to all interested parties an insight into his activities. This would make the portal his philosophy of dating experience with psychology for everyone.
Also during the summer campaign is held at a symbolic fee. Because experts know the harmony that every free registration always leads to a file with multiple spam and pseudo-identities. In unison, however, only those participants who are sincere with their partner search very seriously. With Summer Action Week are now seriously seeking partners for all the gates open. Who partnership, but is looking for a friendship is also welcome.
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