Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Drag Queen To Big To Tuck

feedback from participants of our dating

Until we hear from most of the participants rather little. We have also had two completely opposite responses obtained. One participant was thrilled that we stand out from other partner agencies by emphasizing the long term and the mandatory fee. She said we could they at least be sure not attend any spinner. Another participant, however, was outraged that he had not received a mediation proposal. It was rip-off. For us, it's almost like whip and carrot. Well, we're delighted at the praise, which is also our many years of preparation time for this project we believe will meet. We were disappointed but the harsh form of criticism, especially since we have really pointed out time and again that we are not a dating site, can provide the switching surges or wants. Instead, we wish to submit only really suitable proposals. Suitable means that two other proposed participants first pass through the mutual selection criteria and then also be highly statistically similar with respect to our questionnaires in their responses to. We have from the outset and repeatedly pointed out that it will normally take place some time before such proposals. We have also carried out again and again that our participants have with us the best chance, but only if they rely on long-term dating, not the short-term sending indiscriminate native proposals, just as there currently is standard on the Internet. The fact that we are still fair compared to participants who have joined us, even though you have not read our offer werden, ist dabei für uns eine Selbstverständlichkeit. Ein Punkt zur "Abzocke" sei aber noch angemerkt: Wir erheben eine Gebühr von 4.17 Euro pro Monat bei einer 6-monatigen Teilnahme an unserer Partnervermittlung bzw. an der Freundschaftsvermittlung. Diese Gebühr ist ein Einstiegsangebot und entspricht auch der Sachlage, dass wir in der Anfangsphase sind. Diese Gebühr ist nicht kostendeckend, allein für die telefonische Betreuung (die wir kostenlos offerieren) fällt ein erheblicher Zeitaufwand an und von den Werbekosten sprechen wir jetzt erst mal nicht. 4.17 Euro pro Monat als Abzocke zu betrachten, bei einem transparenten Vermittlungsangebot, ist uns nicht nachvollziehbar.

Wie auch immer, wir freuen uns trotz alledem, that our matching system has already led to the first matching proposals. In the long run, our critics, of which we hope he will stay with us, perhaps change his mind about us!


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