in bisexuality and asexuality
harmony is for anyone, but would also endorse the search for partners of such persons or groups, which are otherwise currently rather difficult to find partners or partners. Although quite different, this includes the two groups of people that the areas of bisexuality and asexuality are assigned.
Bisexual are those who feel erotically attracted both men and women perceive, that people of both sexes as sexually arousing. Bisexuality, heterosexuality is for the most common sexual orientation. Although they are often not publicly visible light to be there to present study findings more bisexuals than homosexuals.
Asexual are those that exclusively for a platonic partnership . Do Asexuals feel no need to exercise sexuality, but that does not mean they have no need for partnership commitment. Studies have shown that the extent of having experienced sexual needs are significant differences. Stands at one end, the nymphomaniac (this term is unfortunately often used pejoratively), is at the other end of the asexuality. Asexuality is not a disease, but it reflects quite a while "extreme" (ie extremely low), but in the range of natural variation underlying sexual desire strength. A detailed, psychologically differentiated products by unison with asexuality is found: / asexualitaet.html
bisexuals as asexuals do not have it easy in finding partners, because the social acceptance, although growing, is still rather low overall. However, as are many bisexual and asexual oriented people do not open about their preferences, it is often difficult and specifically oriented partner or partners to find. However - find lately is a positive development - particularly in terms of asexuality. This is also in the form of websites and forums such as the .
support Use our dating service We partner search from our bisexual and asexual members as follows:
(1) We collect from any of our members, the acceptance of bisexuality. As part of the offered by us, we will partner proposals bisexual people only such members as partners or partners to propose, which would in principle accept a bisexual partner, or a bisexual partner, or at least can imagine this.
(2) We collect from all members of our styles of love and relationship formation that also affect the subjective importance of sexuality for a partnership. The matching will be People with similar characteristics rather than the other proposed persons with marked expression. This asexual members have increased opportunities to meet other members who have a similar situation needs. We also offer a friendly exchange, defined as the Freundschatf a deep bond between two people without sexuality. Asexual members have just found in the context of friendship are looking for good opportunities, partner or partners for a platonic relationship. Soon we will expand our service to members and additionally asexual or explicit acceptance of asexuality as a partnership Gestatungsmöglichkeit Relationship and inquire into account when mediation as a selection criterion.
In summary, we support with our psychological Dating and Friendship Agencies (even), but not only the typical mainstream, focusing on the other agencies, but also help especially bisexual and asexual members effective at the Friendship and Dating. Bisexuality, asexuality, as we see it as natural varieties of sexual orientation or strength of the demand system in the framework of partnership relations with satisfaction and performance are brought to life. For this purpose we would like to contribute.
Friday, December 29, 2006
Thursday, December 14, 2006
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development of harmony dating
Längere Zeit haben wir hier keinen Beitrag mehr veröffentlicht. In der Zwischenzeit hat sich die Gleichklang Partnervermittlung ( ) sehr viel weiter entwickelt. Mittlerweile bekommen die meisten neuen Mitlgieder unmittelbar Vorschläge. Es besteht eine rege Kommunikation zwischen den Mitgliedern. Die Partnersuche ist für eine Reihe von ihnen bereits erfolgreich gewesen. Ebenfalls findet die Freundschaftsvermittlung einen regen Zuspruch, während die Reisepartnervermittlung sich noch in der Entwicklung befindet und ihren Bekanntheitsgrad must continue to increase.
have improved our ranking, we also evident in google. With something like "Partnerusche gay" "Dating lesbian" "Dating gay," "Dating bisexual" "Dating vegetarian" and again the same for the term dating already, we land on the very first places. This depends aquch together with our new content pages / gay.html / lesbisch.html / vegetarier.html , the index have good placement and are visited more. This is also reflected in the blogs and most importantly, noticeable in new applications.
We are currently trying to in the heterosexual mainstream area with appropriate search words to better places to go to Google. On the one hand, we publish articles and are increasingly linked, on the other hand, we improve the content of our sites, we have, for example the pages / partnersuche.html / partnervermittlung.html www.Gleichklang. de / heiratsvermittlung.html and / singleboerse.html published. These sites offer high-quality content to be cross-linked to various other sites and such hope that this an even better position in Goggle and other search engines is accessible by. Again, we have our Sect significantly improved: with partner search, we are now on the 5th Page of search at Google, the search for (still too far back, but still) 11th place We think that this situation will improve significantly.
Priced we are still located at the bottom and we want to be fair and transparent. Nevertheless, the fees for participation in the partner search and find friendship to be increased gradually. But there will always be so that people can participate in financial need anyway. For this we have the continuous social tariff of 6 € introduced in the month, when we will be consistently maintained. So far, we find that this rate is generally not abused. This is also important because it is not profitable, and all those who can afford it are asked to take the normal rates applicable.
currently running our gift campaign (Give partnership and friendship: ). At a discounted rate at any give away his acquaintances and friends to participate in unison, perhaps the most valuable gift that is possible.
We continue to offer all interested in our psychological testing: / psychological tests These are very popular and at the same time test takers decide again and again before or later, to also participate in the dating or friendship mediation. In the future we want to bring our travel agency partners strengthened into focus: / Reisefreundschaften.html this, we also search for travel or as a partner. Actually, we are still looking for website partners, either through our partner program at SuperClix or individual on the basis of agreements. We are also interested in sponsors button etc.. Interested parties can contact us at any time:
has developed the project total harmony very successful, of a project may in fact not be spoken. We begin to institutionalize! In all but we will establish our special character of a matchmaking service, which offers a real partner search and find friendship with psychology, while open to all is not lost.
Längere Zeit haben wir hier keinen Beitrag mehr veröffentlicht. In der Zwischenzeit hat sich die Gleichklang Partnervermittlung ( ) sehr viel weiter entwickelt. Mittlerweile bekommen die meisten neuen Mitlgieder unmittelbar Vorschläge. Es besteht eine rege Kommunikation zwischen den Mitgliedern. Die Partnersuche ist für eine Reihe von ihnen bereits erfolgreich gewesen. Ebenfalls findet die Freundschaftsvermittlung einen regen Zuspruch, während die Reisepartnervermittlung sich noch in der Entwicklung befindet und ihren Bekanntheitsgrad must continue to increase.
have improved our ranking, we also evident in google. With something like "Partnerusche gay" "Dating lesbian" "Dating gay," "Dating bisexual" "Dating vegetarian" and again the same for the term dating already, we land on the very first places. This depends aquch together with our new content pages / gay.html / lesbisch.html / vegetarier.html , the index have good placement and are visited more. This is also reflected in the blogs and most importantly, noticeable in new applications.
We are currently trying to in the heterosexual mainstream area with appropriate search words to better places to go to Google. On the one hand, we publish articles and are increasingly linked, on the other hand, we improve the content of our sites, we have, for example the pages / partnersuche.html / partnervermittlung.html www.Gleichklang. de / heiratsvermittlung.html and / singleboerse.html published. These sites offer high-quality content to be cross-linked to various other sites and such hope that this an even better position in Goggle and other search engines is accessible by. Again, we have our Sect significantly improved: with partner search, we are now on the 5th Page of search at Google, the search for (still too far back, but still) 11th place We think that this situation will improve significantly.
Priced we are still located at the bottom and we want to be fair and transparent. Nevertheless, the fees for participation in the partner search and find friendship to be increased gradually. But there will always be so that people can participate in financial need anyway. For this we have the continuous social tariff of 6 € introduced in the month, when we will be consistently maintained. So far, we find that this rate is generally not abused. This is also important because it is not profitable, and all those who can afford it are asked to take the normal rates applicable.
currently running our gift campaign (Give partnership and friendship: ). At a discounted rate at any give away his acquaintances and friends to participate in unison, perhaps the most valuable gift that is possible.
We continue to offer all interested in our psychological testing: / psychological tests These are very popular and at the same time test takers decide again and again before or later, to also participate in the dating or friendship mediation. In the future we want to bring our travel agency partners strengthened into focus: / Reisefreundschaften.html this, we also search for travel or as a partner. Actually, we are still looking for website partners, either through our partner program at SuperClix or individual on the basis of agreements. We are also interested in sponsors button etc.. Interested parties can contact us at any time:
has developed the project total harmony very successful, of a project may in fact not be spoken. We begin to institutionalize! In all but we will establish our special character of a matchmaking service, which offers a real partner search and find friendship with psychology, while open to all is not lost.
Thursday, October 5, 2006
How Do I Add Wheels To Luggage
friendship and dating search
2 / 3 of participants in harmony is currently participating in the dating service. Of these two thirds are 1 / 3 has decided to use also the friendship search. 1 / 3 of participants only accepts the friendship Search teil. Gekündigt haben bisher < 1% der Teilnehmenden, trotzdem sind auch anderen Teilnehmenden teils unzufrieden, wenn sie bisher noch keine oder zu wenige Vorschläge erhalten haben, da ein passendes Match noch nciht gefunden werden konnte. Es gilt aber, dass die Mitgliedschaftszeit auch solangenicht beginnt auszulaufen, bis Vorschläge offeriert wurden. Die große Mehrheit der Teilnehmenden hat Vorschläge erhalten und viele von ihnen kommunizieren miteinander.
Aktuell gilt nach wie vor die folgende Aktionsnummer: G2006. Wer diese Nummer bei der Anmeldung in das dafür vorgesehene Feld einträgt, kann für nur 2.99 Euro im Monat für 6 Monate an der psychologischen Partnervermittlung und Freundschaftssuche von Gleichklang teilnehmen.
2 / 3 of participants in harmony is currently participating in the dating service. Of these two thirds are 1 / 3 has decided to use also the friendship search. 1 / 3 of participants only accepts the friendship Search teil. Gekündigt haben bisher < 1% der Teilnehmenden, trotzdem sind auch anderen Teilnehmenden teils unzufrieden, wenn sie bisher noch keine oder zu wenige Vorschläge erhalten haben, da ein passendes Match noch nciht gefunden werden konnte. Es gilt aber, dass die Mitgliedschaftszeit auch solangenicht beginnt auszulaufen, bis Vorschläge offeriert wurden. Die große Mehrheit der Teilnehmenden hat Vorschläge erhalten und viele von ihnen kommunizieren miteinander.
Aktuell gilt nach wie vor die folgende Aktionsnummer: G2006. Wer diese Nummer bei der Anmeldung in das dafür vorgesehene Feld einträgt, kann für nur 2.99 Euro im Monat für 6 Monate an der psychologischen Partnervermittlung und Freundschaftssuche von Gleichklang teilnehmen.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Plans For Mudroom Storage Bench
partnership no breakfast worth?
Es ist schon erstaunlich: Überall von Plakatwänden wird kostenlose Partnervermittlung propagiert. Kaum eine Internet Partnervermittlung, die nicht mit der kostenlosen Aufnahme wirbt. Und ind Foren wird es auch immer wieder ein Qualitätsmerkmale gewertet, wenn eine Partnersuche umsonst. Kennt jemand ein kostenlose Singlebörse ? Dieses und ähnliches ist überall zu lesen. Gleichzeitig werden alle als üble Abzocker beschimpft, die sich erlauben vielleicht 9 oder auch 19 Euro im Monat an Gebühren zu erheben.
Es ist ja verständlich, dass alle immer alles umsonst haben möchten und dann bitte auch noch in Spitzenqualität! Aber, dass die gleichen, die an einem Abend im der Kneipe, sorry im Restaurant, mal locker ihr Portemonee entleeren, gleichzeitig bei der Partnersuche knauserig werden, ist doch bemerkenswert. Ist es denn wichtiger, sich mal richtig vollaufen zu lassen, als eine Partnerschaft fürs Leben finden?
Die angeblichen Vorzüge a free admission show, of course, quite as quickly apparent. How could it be something serious, finally, all suppliers want to do ultimately earn something. The free admission is therefore two purposes, first as a decoy for the subsequent premium offer, and secondly as a collector's item, whether to advertise to the members numbers. That is filled with such offers his file with tons of non-existent and not in accordance interested pseudonyms, is well known to everyone ... except apparently to those who celebrate the main feature of a purposeless Dating, namely the free admission, as a quality, rather than as to recognize what it is, namely A call for hemungslosen population of files with funny pseudo-identities. Well, who makes it fun, one thing you should know better: a partner is found that never, never.
Es ist schon erstaunlich: Überall von Plakatwänden wird kostenlose Partnervermittlung propagiert. Kaum eine Internet Partnervermittlung, die nicht mit der kostenlosen Aufnahme wirbt. Und ind Foren wird es auch immer wieder ein Qualitätsmerkmale gewertet, wenn eine Partnersuche umsonst. Kennt jemand ein kostenlose Singlebörse ? Dieses und ähnliches ist überall zu lesen. Gleichzeitig werden alle als üble Abzocker beschimpft, die sich erlauben vielleicht 9 oder auch 19 Euro im Monat an Gebühren zu erheben.
Es ist ja verständlich, dass alle immer alles umsonst haben möchten und dann bitte auch noch in Spitzenqualität! Aber, dass die gleichen, die an einem Abend im der Kneipe, sorry im Restaurant, mal locker ihr Portemonee entleeren, gleichzeitig bei der Partnersuche knauserig werden, ist doch bemerkenswert. Ist es denn wichtiger, sich mal richtig vollaufen zu lassen, als eine Partnerschaft fürs Leben finden?
Die angeblichen Vorzüge a free admission show, of course, quite as quickly apparent. How could it be something serious, finally, all suppliers want to do ultimately earn something. The free admission is therefore two purposes, first as a decoy for the subsequent premium offer, and secondly as a collector's item, whether to advertise to the members numbers. That is filled with such offers his file with tons of non-existent and not in accordance interested pseudonyms, is well known to everyone ... except apparently to those who celebrate the main feature of a purposeless Dating, namely the free admission, as a quality, rather than as to recognize what it is, namely A call for hemungslosen population of files with funny pseudo-identities. Well, who makes it fun, one thing you should know better: a partner is found that never, never.
Tuesday, August 8, 2006
Swollen Ankles When I Go On Vacation
agency is accelerating
The sharp increase from the current summer further action has now received the vast majority of our participants at least a mediation proposal. The majority has received several proposals, some participants were already 10 and offers more suggestions. At the same time a lively communication between participants emerged, indicating the sustainability of the offered mediation proposals.
However, there remains a minority, which hitherto we could not at least make a proposal. It is available to participants with very narrow selection criteria (age, location, lifestyle, etc.) or with profile characteristics, they are very different from the other participants, so that no sufficient consensus. Given our continuous growth (the summer campaign was extended for another week), we are confident that we can also make these participants in the foreseeable future mediation proposals.
Overall, a very favorable trend started, harmony is a growing momentum for the benefit of all the crap rider of the project as well as its participants!
The sharp increase from the current summer further action has now received the vast majority of our participants at least a mediation proposal. The majority has received several proposals, some participants were already 10 and offers more suggestions. At the same time a lively communication between participants emerged, indicating the sustainability of the offered mediation proposals.
However, there remains a minority, which hitherto we could not at least make a proposal. It is available to participants with very narrow selection criteria (age, location, lifestyle, etc.) or with profile characteristics, they are very different from the other participants, so that no sufficient consensus. Given our continuous growth (the summer campaign was extended for another week), we are confident that we can also make these participants in the foreseeable future mediation proposals.
Overall, a very favorable trend started, harmony is a growing momentum for the benefit of all the crap rider of the project as well as its participants!
Wednesday, August 2, 2006
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As it currently runs
Our summer promotion is now already the sixth day. It shows a marked increase in applications and we have decided to extend the action. Maybe they will run all summer. For it is for us and our members in the initial phase in which we are still, essentially important to increase our visibility and to increase our numbers.
is currently one third of our new members through referrals from friends and acquaintances. We want to increase this percentage significantly. Conversely, forms of advertising are based on pay per click for us proved to be ineffective. Although we receive such a large number clicks, but the number of resulting applications is simply too small that it would be worth it. We have set this type of advertising is now almost complete. It looks better with magazine advertising, which has brought us about 20% of our existing members. About 10% of the members came through flyers actions, including eye glued flyers. In this section we want to be defined. We also want to set in free search engine and directory area to which we now, after all, despite our long-standing Webrepräsentanz nciht still owe about 30% of our members. Here we will try to be significantly more present and also to improve our search engine positions. The remaining 20% of our members are spread over various sources (such as advertisers, banner advertising, press coverage) or have no or made false statements about how they came to us.
regard to teaching have been about 1 / 3 of our participants at least one (range: 1-5) entertain proposals for mediation. There is a lively communication between proposed participants. With increasing File growth, we expect a continuous and hopefully as soon as possible increase in percentage. The fact that it hails from us no mediation proposals depends, however, abgesrhen of our initial phase, along with our chosen very stringent education approach. Zunäcjst have two participants a series pass strict selection criteria before they can even be in question for each other. When this is done, the overall similarity in lifestyle checks and only if they exceed a set of our stringent criterion, is a mediation proposal. Entsptrechend we expect that from us a mediation proposal is many times more valuable than a Mediation proposal from competitors that their files with free admission with less serious flooding and participants also proceed in the derivation of the proposals is less stringent. We think that this rumsprechen long term and pay off for us.
is total, the harmony on a continuous course forward.
Our summer promotion is now already the sixth day. It shows a marked increase in applications and we have decided to extend the action. Maybe they will run all summer. For it is for us and our members in the initial phase in which we are still, essentially important to increase our visibility and to increase our numbers.
is currently one third of our new members through referrals from friends and acquaintances. We want to increase this percentage significantly. Conversely, forms of advertising are based on pay per click for us proved to be ineffective. Although we receive such a large number clicks, but the number of resulting applications is simply too small that it would be worth it. We have set this type of advertising is now almost complete. It looks better with magazine advertising, which has brought us about 20% of our existing members. About 10% of the members came through flyers actions, including eye glued flyers. In this section we want to be defined. We also want to set in free search engine and directory area to which we now, after all, despite our long-standing Webrepräsentanz nciht still owe about 30% of our members. Here we will try to be significantly more present and also to improve our search engine positions. The remaining 20% of our members are spread over various sources (such as advertisers, banner advertising, press coverage) or have no or made false statements about how they came to us.
regard to teaching have been about 1 / 3 of our participants at least one (range: 1-5) entertain proposals for mediation. There is a lively communication between proposed participants. With increasing File growth, we expect a continuous and hopefully as soon as possible increase in percentage. The fact that it hails from us no mediation proposals depends, however, abgesrhen of our initial phase, along with our chosen very stringent education approach. Zunäcjst have two participants a series pass strict selection criteria before they can even be in question for each other. When this is done, the overall similarity in lifestyle checks and only if they exceed a set of our stringent criterion, is a mediation proposal. Entsptrechend we expect that from us a mediation proposal is many times more valuable than a Mediation proposal from competitors that their files with free admission with less serious flooding and participants also proceed in the derivation of the proposals is less stringent. We think that this rumsprechen long term and pay off for us.
is total, the harmony on a continuous course forward.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
What Soap Do I Put In A Bissle Carpet Cleaner
1 € Summer Action Week partner agency
(press release) The psychological Internet Dating Portal offers From now on, during his summer campaign weeks to participate in the Friendship and dating for just one euro a month on. With this unique action, a decision on the renewal at the end of each week, aims to to increase its participants and available to all interested parties an insight into his activities. This would make the portal his philosophy of dating experience with psychology for everyone.
Also during the summer campaign is held at a symbolic fee. Because experts know the harmony that every free registration always leads to a file with multiple spam and pseudo-identities. In unison, however, only those participants who are sincere with their partner search very seriously. With Summer Action Week are now seriously seeking partners for all the gates open. Who partnership, but is looking for a friendship is also welcome.
(press release) The psychological Internet Dating Portal offers From now on, during his summer campaign weeks to participate in the Friendship and dating for just one euro a month on. With this unique action, a decision on the renewal at the end of each week, aims to to increase its participants and available to all interested parties an insight into his activities. This would make the portal his philosophy of dating experience with psychology for everyone.
Also during the summer campaign is held at a symbolic fee. Because experts know the harmony that every free registration always leads to a file with multiple spam and pseudo-identities. In unison, however, only those participants who are sincere with their partner search very seriously. With Summer Action Week are now seriously seeking partners for all the gates open. Who partnership, but is looking for a friendship is also welcome.
Friday, July 21, 2006
Respone Card Wording Funny
press release on our psychological testing
partner agency harmony offers insight into psychological tests
OpenPR, 21.07.2006 08:38 (openPR) -
The Internet Dating Portal offers for all visitors to its website from now on the possibility of a battery of psychological tests to try non-binding.
Participating a detailed text-based and visual-visual feedback on their results. In this way they get to know yourself better and be able to compare their results simultaneously with the profiles of partners, friends and acquaintances.
This action would make the Internet portal his philosophy of dating experience with psychology. Already, more than 2,000 people participated and won insight into their personality and their relationship formation.
personality is important, but not all long for partnerships, the experts in unison. The direct sound test procedure and hence must be a determination of the personality. In addition to biographical Erlebnissen, Interessen und gesellschaftlichen Einstellungen werden insbesondere Stile der Liebe und Beziehungsgestaltung erfasst. Erhoben werden individuelle Bedürfnisse, Wünsche und Ansprüche an zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen, die sich zum Beispiel auf die Nähe-Distanz-Regulation, das Ausmaß an Emotionalität, Autonomie- und Exklusivitätsansprüchen sowie Formen der Konfliktregulation beziehen. So gibt es pragmatische, freundschaftliche, romantische, spielerische, altruistische und besitzergreifende Formen der Beziehungsgestaltung.
Treffen inkompatible Liebesstile aufeinander, sind Unglück und Scheitern einer Beziehung vorprogrammiert. Treffen kompatible Stile aufeinander, sind dagegen gute Voraussetzungen given for relationship satisfaction and longevity.
The only dating service of its kind considered in addition to individual personality, love and relationship styles to ensure optimum matching.
with its latest campaign "testing" would make the company's attention, and convince them of his work. Of these, the company expects an extension of his file, which is still under construction. According offers harmony all test enthusiasts an attractive introductory offer to get the same connection for dating or friendship search the site.
partner agency harmony Limited
Marianne Platz 24 10997 Berlin
Tel: 01805 77,723,331
Fax: 01805 7772 3332
Partners Agency harmony Limited is a nation-wide company that specializes in the placement of partnerships and friendships with methods of psychology. The brokerage will be offered over the Internet and by mail. The company is led by three certified psychologists and a degree in mathematics.
partner agency harmony offers insight into psychological tests
OpenPR, 21.07.2006 08:38 (openPR) -
The Internet Dating Portal offers for all visitors to its website from now on the possibility of a battery of psychological tests to try non-binding.
Participating a detailed text-based and visual-visual feedback on their results. In this way they get to know yourself better and be able to compare their results simultaneously with the profiles of partners, friends and acquaintances.
This action would make the Internet portal his philosophy of dating experience with psychology. Already, more than 2,000 people participated and won insight into their personality and their relationship formation.
personality is important, but not all long for partnerships, the experts in unison. The direct sound test procedure and hence must be a determination of the personality. In addition to biographical Erlebnissen, Interessen und gesellschaftlichen Einstellungen werden insbesondere Stile der Liebe und Beziehungsgestaltung erfasst. Erhoben werden individuelle Bedürfnisse, Wünsche und Ansprüche an zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen, die sich zum Beispiel auf die Nähe-Distanz-Regulation, das Ausmaß an Emotionalität, Autonomie- und Exklusivitätsansprüchen sowie Formen der Konfliktregulation beziehen. So gibt es pragmatische, freundschaftliche, romantische, spielerische, altruistische und besitzergreifende Formen der Beziehungsgestaltung.
Treffen inkompatible Liebesstile aufeinander, sind Unglück und Scheitern einer Beziehung vorprogrammiert. Treffen kompatible Stile aufeinander, sind dagegen gute Voraussetzungen given for relationship satisfaction and longevity.
The only dating service of its kind considered in addition to individual personality, love and relationship styles to ensure optimum matching.
with its latest campaign "testing" would make the company's attention, and convince them of his work. Of these, the company expects an extension of his file, which is still under construction. According offers harmony all test enthusiasts an attractive introductory offer to get the same connection for dating or friendship search the site.
partner agency harmony Limited
Marianne Platz 24 10997 Berlin
Tel: 01805 77,723,331
Fax: 01805 7772 3332
Partners Agency harmony Limited is a nation-wide company that specializes in the placement of partnerships and friendships with methods of psychology. The brokerage will be offered over the Internet and by mail. The company is led by three certified psychologists and a degree in mathematics.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
How Long Until A Safety Harness Expires
member and write your own review!
We would be pleased if interested in the topic, register with us as members blog and then write their own posts. Schriebt us an e-mail if you want to be alden as members!
We would be pleased if interested in the topic, register with us as members blog and then write their own posts. Schriebt us an e-mail if you want to be alden as members!
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Drag Queen To Big To Tuck
feedback from participants of our dating
Until we hear from most of the participants rather little. We have also had two completely opposite responses obtained. One participant was thrilled that we stand out from other partner agencies by emphasizing the long term and the mandatory fee. She said we could they at least be sure not attend any spinner. Another participant, however, was outraged that he had not received a mediation proposal. It was rip-off. For us, it's almost like whip and carrot. Well, we're delighted at the praise, which is also our many years of preparation time for this project we believe will meet. We were disappointed but the harsh form of criticism, especially since we have really pointed out time and again that we are not a dating site, can provide the switching surges or wants. Instead, we wish to submit only really suitable proposals. Suitable means that two other proposed participants first pass through the mutual selection criteria and then also be highly statistically similar with respect to our questionnaires in their responses to. We have from the outset and repeatedly pointed out that it will normally take place some time before such proposals. We have also carried out again and again that our participants have with us the best chance, but only if they rely on long-term dating, not the short-term sending indiscriminate native proposals, just as there currently is standard on the Internet. The fact that we are still fair compared to participants who have joined us, even though you have not read our offer werden, ist dabei für uns eine Selbstverständlichkeit. Ein Punkt zur "Abzocke" sei aber noch angemerkt: Wir erheben eine Gebühr von 4.17 Euro pro Monat bei einer 6-monatigen Teilnahme an unserer Partnervermittlung bzw. an der Freundschaftsvermittlung. Diese Gebühr ist ein Einstiegsangebot und entspricht auch der Sachlage, dass wir in der Anfangsphase sind. Diese Gebühr ist nicht kostendeckend, allein für die telefonische Betreuung (die wir kostenlos offerieren) fällt ein erheblicher Zeitaufwand an und von den Werbekosten sprechen wir jetzt erst mal nicht. 4.17 Euro pro Monat als Abzocke zu betrachten, bei einem transparenten Vermittlungsangebot, ist uns nicht nachvollziehbar.
Wie auch immer, wir freuen uns trotz alledem, that our matching system has already led to the first matching proposals. In the long run, our critics, of which we hope he will stay with us, perhaps change his mind about us!
Until we hear from most of the participants rather little. We have also had two completely opposite responses obtained. One participant was thrilled that we stand out from other partner agencies by emphasizing the long term and the mandatory fee. She said we could they at least be sure not attend any spinner. Another participant, however, was outraged that he had not received a mediation proposal. It was rip-off. For us, it's almost like whip and carrot. Well, we're delighted at the praise, which is also our many years of preparation time for this project we believe will meet. We were disappointed but the harsh form of criticism, especially since we have really pointed out time and again that we are not a dating site, can provide the switching surges or wants. Instead, we wish to submit only really suitable proposals. Suitable means that two other proposed participants first pass through the mutual selection criteria and then also be highly statistically similar with respect to our questionnaires in their responses to. We have from the outset and repeatedly pointed out that it will normally take place some time before such proposals. We have also carried out again and again that our participants have with us the best chance, but only if they rely on long-term dating, not the short-term sending indiscriminate native proposals, just as there currently is standard on the Internet. The fact that we are still fair compared to participants who have joined us, even though you have not read our offer werden, ist dabei für uns eine Selbstverständlichkeit. Ein Punkt zur "Abzocke" sei aber noch angemerkt: Wir erheben eine Gebühr von 4.17 Euro pro Monat bei einer 6-monatigen Teilnahme an unserer Partnervermittlung bzw. an der Freundschaftsvermittlung. Diese Gebühr ist ein Einstiegsangebot und entspricht auch der Sachlage, dass wir in der Anfangsphase sind. Diese Gebühr ist nicht kostendeckend, allein für die telefonische Betreuung (die wir kostenlos offerieren) fällt ein erheblicher Zeitaufwand an und von den Werbekosten sprechen wir jetzt erst mal nicht. 4.17 Euro pro Monat als Abzocke zu betrachten, bei einem transparenten Vermittlungsangebot, ist uns nicht nachvollziehbar.
Wie auch immer, wir freuen uns trotz alledem, that our matching system has already led to the first matching proposals. In the long run, our critics, of which we hope he will stay with us, perhaps change his mind about us!
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