Der neue BMW 5er ist das "Lieblingsauto der Deutschen". Damit steht der Münchner Hersteller beim ADAC-Preis "Gelber Engel" in der Kategorie "Auto" erstmalig ganz oben auf dem Siegertreppchen. Den zweiten Platz belegt der Mercedes CLS vor dem Audi A1, Deutschlands beliebtestem Kleinwagen. Etwa 230.000 Leser der Clubzeitschrift "ADAC Motorwelt" sowie Besucher des Internetauftrittes adac.de hatten aus 42 Fahrzeugen, die seit Anfang 2010 neu auf den Markt kamen, ihr Lieblingsauto gewählt.
Toyota Auris hybrid is the "car of the future"
The first prize awarded for the "Car of Tomorrow" was due to good properties of fuel consumption and pollutant emissions of the Toyota Auris hybrid. On the second and third place came the VW Touran 1.4 TSI and BMW 320d EcoFuel BluePerformance.
Porsche 911 is "best used vehicle
as the best used cars based on the results in the breakdown statistics and customer satisfaction was in the category of" quality "of the Porsche 911. He is followed by Audi A5 in 2nd place and 3rd place Nissan Qashqai
"personal price" for Ford boss Mattes
The category of "Innovation and Environment" won for the fourth time, Daimler AG for Spurhalte-/Totwinkel-Assistenten. Ford chairman Bernhard Mattes received for the successful German and European business of the company the award for the "personality".
ceremony in Munich
The awards were made on 13 January 2011 in the Munich Residence, in the presence of Federal Minister of Transport, Dr. Peter Ramsauer the CEO Norbert Reithofer BMW and Matthias Mueller of Porsche, presented to the President of Toyota Motor Europe, Didier Leroy, as well as Mercedes board member Thomas Weber. Ford CEO Bernhard Mattes received the prize from the personality of ADAC President Peter Meyer and last year's winner Wolfgang Reitzle, CEO of Linde AG.
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