Now, new harmony Blog
Wir haben uns jetzt doch entschieden, einen anderen Blog bei wordpress zu eröffnen, der außerdem auch zusätzlich direkt in unsere Seite integriert ist:
Bisher sind in diesem Blog Beiträge zu folgenden Themen erschienen: Eine alternative Kennenlern-Community. In diesem Beitrag wird der alternative und von den Mainstream Anbietern abweichende Charakter von Gleichklang dargestelt und begründet.
Thailand braucht unsere Solidarität.In diesem Beitrag werden die Untaten des Abhisit-Regimes in Thailand geschildert und es wird gebeten, für die unterdrückten Medien zu spenden.
Presseerklärung vom 27.05.2010 to harmony. Here is a press release is published, will set forth, that harmony is primarily aimed at einlinks-alternatives clientele and what efforts is harmony to subscribe not egomaniacs.
After just one day a couple - even with the same sound the exception. It describes a particularly successful case of an extremely fast switching, which is the exception. As it is usually partner and friend search are clearly a long-term processes.
fees in unison: Fair, transparent and socially verträglich.Es is a detailed justification of the fee system Darstellungund of harmony. The fees in harmony are aligned so that participation is not to fail in the wallet. At the same time save the fees that only genuine profiles are of people who have serious intentions in unison.
Dating on the web. A general contribution to Dating on the Internet, in particular, is also the associated search space expansion.
harmony community: between spirituality and rationality. Here the tension between spirituality and rationality is treated. For in unison with members found in both with a strong spiritual life as well as members who oppose it. By switching principle of the fit in unison, this leads be no difficulties for the successful placement.
Thus, the dating in harmony will be successful. In this paper, extensive tips are given, use the strategies members of harmony is particularly effective in order to reach the goal of their friendship search and find partners.
sign of solidarity, harmony soon in Thai. Harmony will soon appear in Thai. The Thai side will in particular be a sign of solidarity with the oppressed Thai democracy movement, which will show clearly on the side.
Dating: Why it makes sense if both partners are vegetarians? Harmony is the leading provider for a Partner and friend search for vegetarians and vegans. The principle of the vegetarian or vegan dating is detailed and justified.
We also will continue to maintain this blog, where he will also be low and blog entries will therefore be rather sporadic.
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