Tuesday, December 28, 2010
How To Drain Pus From Adult Ear Infection
Berga had important guests at Christmas - three times has :-)
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Blue Thunder -700rc Helicopter
Monday, December 20, 2010
Pinnacle Pctv 3010ix 32 Bit

The shelter crisis in Germany is also in our work not pass without a trace. Many German animal shelters had to struggle this year, some even stood on the brink of. While people's mentality towards animals in Spain changed for the better in some areas (ban on bullfighting in Catalonia), can be of a general upward trend, unfortunately, has not been heard. As before, countless dogs die in murder stations, healthy, young, friendly dogs that are simply unnecessary, due to human miss Young were no longer fit into life. Spain and Germany are now even disposable societies, and the indifference and ignorance also extends to our feeling and just as we are capable of suffering fellow beings not stop. What happens to a German man who ties his 13 year old, blind poodle in deep snow in the park to a tree and then turns on the TV at home? What goes through a English mother who gives her 2 year old Golden Retriever dog in the dog pound, then to prepare lunch for their children? What they told their children when the get home? What is provided here for values? It's not just the hunters, their hunting or tired throwing away the old hunting dogs in the truest sense of the word, there are normal ordinary people, German and English. And then they have no problems with sleep.
We have these problems, and the animal rights activists in Berga have these problems. Carme, Vicky Chu, Meritxell, esters - they can not sleep because of all this misery around them daily. You try every day, the indifference to oppose something. Often they fail. It may already be too late for the Golden Retriever for Fifi, Rex and Blacky. But there are always those for which it is not too late, and where they need help. This individual, as yet there are only individual, geben ihnen die Kraft, weiter zu machen, nicht zu resignieren. Jedes einzelne gerettete, glückliche Tier ist es wert, nicht aufgegeben zu haben. Irgendwann sollen es keine einzelnen mehr sein. Bis dahin ist es noch ein weiter Weg, und auf diesem Weg werden wir das Tierheim Berga ein Stück begleiten.
Carme hat das Glück, in Katalonien zu leben, wo zwar noch kein neuer Wind, wohl aber eine kleine Brise zu wehen beginnt. Wann immer sie kann, fährt sie in die Tötungsstation von Movera bei Zaragoza, um einige Hunde vor dem sicheren Tod zu retten. Auf diese Weite konnte sie in diesem Jahr 75 Hunden aus Movera das Leben retten – buchstäblich, denn diese Hunde wären dort getötet worden. Fast alle dieser Hunde haben already found loving families and make their people happy. Helena, Guachu, Osso, Darwin and Boli are trying their luck yet.

Osso, rescued from Movera
The acquisition of Movera dog costs a lot of money that Carne muster out of pocket. These bailouts are only possible if enough animals have been adopted from Berga, making it the shelter is a few free kennel. Any adoption of a dog, whether in Berga or Germany can secure a place for a dog from Movera. We want to support Carme that they can continue to rescue dogs from Movera of death, both financially and through the creation free places at the shelter.
We could not help the animal shelter Berga, if they did not exist. All the Adoptanten, foster homes, volunteers, Vorkontrolleure, drivers and sponsors enable us to help Berga and helping to turn the fate of individuals for the better and to work every day is a different approach, a different understanding with our fellow creatures. When that day comes, our help will not be necessary. Nothing would make us happier than to be superfluous.
until this day has not come, we need your help, however small or large this may turn out ever.
Please help. Adopt. Donate.
Berguedana Associació per a la Proteccio dels Animals (Berga)
Beneficiary: Perez, Carme
Bank: CAIXA D'ESTALVIS del Penedès (Berga)
IBAN: ES59 2081 0485 3833 0000 1493
We need you!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Should Cervix Drop Before Period
Dear customers,
we would like to point out that VW "TEAM" to close special models for the Polo, Golf and Golf Plus. Currently, the final ordering (input purchase contract with the dealer!) Is on 22.12.2010.
Because of the increased Order is received we can expect to earlier with the end. The Tiguan
team remains until further order! Information at your www.kfzvermittlung24.de
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Congratulation Letter To Pregnant Woman
The shelter Berga wish all our friends Merry Christmas and thanks all donors who Adoptanten, foster families and people who have taken this year to share the fate of our students:
http://vimeo.com / 17434490
Electric Toture Movies
Dear customers,
Volkswagen AG provides information that will be held on 23.12.2010 a price adjustment for Volkswagen cars.
The current MSRP of the Fox, Scirocco, Sharan, Touareg and Phaeton, will rise by an average of 1.30%.
Furthermore, increased prices by an average of more general equipment 1.30%. here except for the Passat CC and the new models of the Eos, Jetta, Passat saloon and estate.
please send us the placement orders until 20/12/2010 to take into account and remember that the 12/23/2010 is the last day for sending the signed order from distributors.