unison: New design - alternative claim
underlines With its new design, the psychological dating Gleichklang.de their alternative claim:
images from more typical and unusual pairs appear with aussagekräfitget text support, such as "Love is handicapped accessible," Love is also Bi, "love is (s ) t vegetarian "or" Love is beyond the mainstream. " Above all, the side a clear commitment shapes to a clientele of vegetarians, vegans, single parents, transsexuals, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, asexuals, BDSM-interested and pansexual, as well as environmentally friendly, Esoteric interested (and rationalists) and peaceniks. The button "Close Guantanamo "is the largest button on the side and also the offer of mediation for people with disabilities and illnesses was deliberately put into the foreground.
all trades together with a change of the logo text with the same sound now as" The alternative web portal for the psychological partner and friend search. "Prof. Dr. Bernhard HF Taureck, spokesman of harmony, says:" A successful design, which immediately shows that both men and women are not on any of the mainstream are bubble-portals, but in harmony with its Members are just as self-conscious and socially critical as reflected counterpart "
Monday, December 14, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
How To Write A Cv For Beauty Therapist
24 July - Penthouse Fashion Night Out
Royal Art agency is looking for girls from 1,75 cm. (32-38 Gr.) For the Penthouse Fashion Night Out in Nuremberg. On July 24
In B2 Penthouse
"Penthouse Fashion Night Out"
fashion, sometimes, whole, what else.
The collection, which has shocked in Milan TOP 10 found its place in many art museums and the audience is mixed with the best hits!
Enjoy the show on the main terrace and the highest cat-walk of the city!
If you want to be there, register einfach...
Telefon: 01634554050
E-Mail: dimitri.haberkorn@web.de
Royal Art agency is looking for girls from 1,75 cm. (32-38 Gr.) For the Penthouse Fashion Night Out in Nuremberg. On July 24
In B2 Penthouse
"Penthouse Fashion Night Out"
fashion, sometimes, whole, what else.
The collection, which has shocked in Milan TOP 10 found its place in many art museums and the audience is mixed with the best hits!
Enjoy the show on the main terrace and the highest cat-walk of the city!
If you want to be there, register einfach...
Telefon: 01634554050
E-Mail: dimitri.haberkorn@web.de

Saturday, July 11, 2009
Game For Thinking Day Brownies
crazy unison Video: astray, Anders & Success!
Soeben hat Gleichklang seinen Anspruch, eine ganz andere Art von Partnervermittlung zu sein, mit seinem neuen Video ( http://www.gleichklang.de/videos.html ) unter Beweis gestellt.
Wir sind anders, Sie auch? Wir treffen uns bei Gleichklang.
Und schon ist ein weiteres Video in Produktion, das sich dem Thema vegetarisches Daten widmen wird. Auch hier gilt: Wir treffen uns bei Gleichklang. Denn welcher Vegetarier oder welche Vegetarierin hat schon Lust, beim Küssen mit Fleischresten bombardiert zu werden?
Soeben hat Gleichklang seinen Anspruch, eine ganz andere Art von Partnervermittlung zu sein, mit seinem neuen Video ( http://www.gleichklang.de/videos.html ) unter Beweis gestellt.
Wir sind anders, Sie auch? Wir treffen uns bei Gleichklang.
Und schon ist ein weiteres Video in Produktion, das sich dem Thema vegetarisches Daten widmen wird. Auch hier gilt: Wir treffen uns bei Gleichklang. Denn welcher Vegetarier oder welche Vegetarierin hat schon Lust, beim Küssen mit Fleischresten bombardiert zu werden?
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Squash Public Londres
monitoring, security, democracy and phone bans
Now we were very proud of our involvement in the vertaulichen telephoning our dating site, as it was already stopped by the Federal Network Agency. Apparently - or so it says in the last mail-not just to support investigative operations, ie monitoring and surveillance measures.
This is about her public safety. As if the constant expansion of surveillance and spying, whether in private industry - who does not know the news from Deutsche Telekom and others, as well as by intelligence agencies in the wake of alleged anti-terrorism - the larger Attack on the security of the people.
security - to find partners on the Internet is certainly safer to call a confidential telephone number, rather than publish their own data. Unfortunately, the now no longer in unison about the services offered by us previously temporary phone numbers. Thanks for the Agency's concern for our safety!
Now we were very proud of our involvement in the vertaulichen telephoning our dating site, as it was already stopped by the Federal Network Agency. Apparently - or so it says in the last mail-not just to support investigative operations, ie monitoring and surveillance measures.
This is about her public safety. As if the constant expansion of surveillance and spying, whether in private industry - who does not know the news from Deutsche Telekom and others, as well as by intelligence agencies in the wake of alleged anti-terrorism - the larger Attack on the security of the people.
security - to find partners on the Internet is certainly safer to call a confidential telephone number, rather than publish their own data. Unfortunately, the now no longer in unison about the services offered by us previously temporary phone numbers. Thanks for the Agency's concern for our safety!
Snoring With Mouth Closed?
harmony video: Very different!
emphasizes harmony with his new video again its otherness to us incomparable to any other dating service providers on the Internet makes. Complete we will update it: Anders and much better!
Furthermore, we are just there for those that are from the mainstream of the Internet and the Affiliates, have only too often ignored. Whether transsexual, pansexual, asexual, or bisexual, whether intersex or overweight, with or without mental disorders and physical disorders. Whether vegetarian or a vegan, lesbian, gay or straight. Whether ecological awareness, esoteric or Erin freak. Where else your looking for partners, partners, friends and girlfriends sp is supported specifically as http://www.gleichklang.de/ ?
is harmony and remains the agency for all who achso left out for the intolerant, sexist, bourgeois, proponents of capital punishment and torture and and and ... go somewhere else where they are, or at best: change and come to us!
two important links:
prevent judicial murder! Sign it against the execution of Troy Davis!
Guantanamo torture camp and all the other close at last! Sign the Resolution:
Ah, and the video:
emphasizes harmony with his new video again its otherness to us incomparable to any other dating service providers on the Internet makes. Complete we will update it: Anders and much better!
Furthermore, we are just there for those that are from the mainstream of the Internet and the Affiliates, have only too often ignored. Whether transsexual, pansexual, asexual, or bisexual, whether intersex or overweight, with or without mental disorders and physical disorders. Whether vegetarian or a vegan, lesbian, gay or straight. Whether ecological awareness, esoteric or Erin freak. Where else your looking for partners, partners, friends and girlfriends sp is supported specifically as http://www.gleichklang.de/ ?
is harmony and remains the agency for all who achso left out for the intolerant, sexist, bourgeois, proponents of capital punishment and torture and and and ... go somewhere else where they are, or at best: change and come to us!
two important links:
prevent judicial murder! Sign it against the execution of Troy Davis!
Guantanamo torture camp and all the other close at last! Sign the Resolution:
Ah, and the video:
Monday, April 27, 2009
Homeopathic Remedies For Polyps In The Nose
Klinsi fired - we he harvesters?
must work Juergen Klinsmann Klinsmann soon as harvest helpers? As reported today, his employer, FC Bayern Munich, the success coach has dismissed with immediate effect.
Klinsi fired
Whether the charismatic superstar wants to continue working as a coach or wants to prove himself as truly harvest workers remains to be seen. The macroeconomic situation - the keyword crisis - is likely to find jobs for the fired Klinsi not einfacher machen.
must work Juergen Klinsmann Klinsmann soon as harvest helpers? As reported today, his employer, FC Bayern Munich, the success coach has dismissed with immediate effect.
Klinsi fired
Whether the charismatic superstar wants to continue working as a coach or wants to prove himself as truly harvest workers remains to be seen. The macroeconomic situation - the keyword crisis - is likely to find jobs for the fired Klinsi not einfacher machen.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Biggest Breast Of Bollywood
Name: Julia
Größe: 176
Haarfarbe: Braun
Augenfarbe: Grün
Konfektion: 36 Schuhgröße: 40
// Online Sedcard
Fotografie: Lena Romme
© Maxima Models
Größe: 176
Haarfarbe: Braun
Augenfarbe: Grün
Konfektion: 36 Schuhgröße: 40
// Online Sedcard
Fotografie: Lena Romme
© Maxima Models
Monday, February 9, 2009
Rite Aid Sell Alot Of Toys
Name: Kanya
Größe: 178
Haarfarbe: Dunkelbraun
Augenfarbe: Grün
Konfektion: 48
Schuhgröße: 42
// Online Sedcard
© Maxima Models
Größe: 178
Haarfarbe: Dunkelbraun
Augenfarbe: Grün
Konfektion: 48
Schuhgröße: 42
// Online Sedcard
© Maxima Models
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
How Much Money Is A Trampoline
questions and answers
Nach welchen Models haltet Ihr Ausschau?
Models : Frauen, Männer, Senioren, Plussize im Bereich Bademoden, Teilkörper, Unterwäsche, Fashion, Katalog, Laufsteg, Kommerziell, Fitness.
Gibt es eine Aufnahmegebühr?
No. The inclusion in our index model is absolutely free!
What requirements must I bring order to apply as maximum-model?
principle, we can any apply. There are no restrictions regarding age or body size. The most important thing are: positive attitude, charm and a neat appearance, ie properties that can not be measured with a tape measure. Whether the "something" have to have success as a model, we can tell only on the basis of application photos. The following conditions you should bring in all cases, punctuality, reliability, independence, a healthy dose of ambition and the necessary bite.
How can I apply as a model?
Simply go to " Application" and follow the instructions. Please take some time to complete the application form and conscientiously completed. Do not forget, at least 5 high-quality recordings on which you made well and are clearly visible. After completing please fax the completed form by e-mail back to us.
Which photos do I need for my application?
Images should once your face with a smile and without, as one full body photo in bikini / bathing suit or clothes closer where you can clearly see her figure. Therefore, you should not be in the photos too far away.
Several pictures are always of advantage to recognize their photogenic and versatility. is important that the photos are expressive.
The pictures should be sharp and well lit, because otherwise we can not make any clear idea from you. When sending via e-mail we prefer pictures, dpi in high resolution (300 to if the photos have yet to be processed) and the. jpg format.
What happens after my application?
basis of the submitted artwork, the decision about whether you will be entered into our database. When in doubt (or if the submitted images are not meaningful or professional enough) is one of our model scouts will contact you. On the basis of personal impression their suitability for Maxima model is decided.
Why are good pictures so important?
the Professional Photos A and O are in the model industry. The more professional and impressive Your photos are better and your Vermittlungschancen.Sparen you so please do the wrong place! You must apply for the photos so involved not just a well-known photographers and tons of money to spend. A good comp card can for now, the little photographer to shoot the corner.
Must have experience as a model?
Not necessarily. Many models have much success without any prior knowledge. In general, however, experience is a plus and will be appreciated. We are very interested in New faces .
Can I be represented by other agencies?
you may apply for other agencies and are represented by them. Advantage of it, however, if the agencies are located in different regions.
Convey also models for nude or erotic pictures?
not a rule. If, however, get a request, you can choose yourself. Halbaktaufnahmen should be made, there are 50% surcharge and Vollaktaufnahmen 100% on the normal daily fee. If you do not want those pictures, so please before you say that the agency then refers not only take the kind of mediation. case of other agencies for a nude or erotic images to convey stand, tell us about that but with absolutely!
What about taxes and insurance?
Models are independently and therefore required the income from this activity in their tax return must be indicated. Taxes to lead is the sole responsibility of the model. Also, your insurance protection, you must take care of yourself as a model itself.
Nach welchen Models haltet Ihr Ausschau?
Models : Frauen, Männer, Senioren, Plussize im Bereich Bademoden, Teilkörper, Unterwäsche, Fashion, Katalog, Laufsteg, Kommerziell, Fitness.
Gibt es eine Aufnahmegebühr?
No. The inclusion in our index model is absolutely free!
What requirements must I bring order to apply as maximum-model?
principle, we can any apply. There are no restrictions regarding age or body size. The most important thing are: positive attitude, charm and a neat appearance, ie properties that can not be measured with a tape measure. Whether the "something" have to have success as a model, we can tell only on the basis of application photos. The following conditions you should bring in all cases, punctuality, reliability, independence, a healthy dose of ambition and the necessary bite.
How can I apply as a model?
Simply go to " Application" and follow the instructions. Please take some time to complete the application form and conscientiously completed. Do not forget, at least 5 high-quality recordings on which you made well and are clearly visible. After completing please fax the completed form by e-mail back to us.
Which photos do I need for my application?
Images should once your face with a smile and without, as one full body photo in bikini / bathing suit or clothes closer where you can clearly see her figure. Therefore, you should not be in the photos too far away.
Several pictures are always of advantage to recognize their photogenic and versatility. is important that the photos are expressive.
The pictures should be sharp and well lit, because otherwise we can not make any clear idea from you. When sending via e-mail we prefer pictures, dpi in high resolution (300 to if the photos have yet to be processed) and the. jpg format.
What happens after my application?
basis of the submitted artwork, the decision about whether you will be entered into our database. When in doubt (or if the submitted images are not meaningful or professional enough) is one of our model scouts will contact you. On the basis of personal impression their suitability for Maxima model is decided.
Why are good pictures so important?
the Professional Photos A and O are in the model industry. The more professional and impressive Your photos are better and your Vermittlungschancen.Sparen you so please do the wrong place! You must apply for the photos so involved not just a well-known photographers and tons of money to spend. A good comp card can for now, the little photographer to shoot the corner.
Must have experience as a model?
Not necessarily. Many models have much success without any prior knowledge. In general, however, experience is a plus and will be appreciated. We are very interested in New faces .
Can I be represented by other agencies?
you may apply for other agencies and are represented by them. Advantage of it, however, if the agencies are located in different regions.
Convey also models for nude or erotic pictures?
not a rule. If, however, get a request, you can choose yourself. Halbaktaufnahmen should be made, there are 50% surcharge and Vollaktaufnahmen 100% on the normal daily fee. If you do not want those pictures, so please before you say that the agency then refers not only take the kind of mediation. case of other agencies for a nude or erotic images to convey stand, tell us about that but with absolutely!
What about taxes and insurance?
Models are independently and therefore required the income from this activity in their tax return must be indicated. Taxes to lead is the sole responsibility of the model. Also, your insurance protection, you must take care of yourself as a model itself.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Can You Use Chicken Broth When It's Expired
love has as harvest workers found
We continue with the Frankish news (fnweb.de)
with harvesters history
Werbach. 65 Jahre in Glück und auch Leid verbunden sind Ewald und Gertrud Stahl, geborene Tüchert. Am heutigen Samstag feiern die beiden im Kreis der Familie und Freunde das seltene Fest der Eisernen Hochzeit. Auch der emeritierte Bischof von Graz, Johann Weber, ein Kriegskamerad Ewald Stahls, ist zum Gratulieren angereist.
Als das Jubelpaar vor 65 Jahren vor den Traualtar trat, herrschte Krieg. "Eigentlich wollten wir im Herbst heiraten", erinnert sich Ewald Stahl. Doch Urlaub hatte der Oberjäger erst später bekommen. Und so wurde im kleinen Familienkreis am 17. Januar 1944 in Bad Kissingen der Bund fürs Leben geschlossen.
Kennen gelernt hatte sich das Pair in Werbach, where Ewald steel had been used as harvest workers. On 10 April 1923 in Bad Kissingen in Ebenhausen born, he spent his school years. From 1937 he began an apprenticeship as a retail merchant in Schweinfurt. 17-year-old he was called up for labor service and came to Poland, where he was due to his commercial skills in the office used. Military service led Ewald steel to Bad Mergentheim, in 1941 then as harvest helpers Werbach. For field work at that time also Gertrud Tüchert helped.
We continue with the Frankish news (fnweb.de)
with harvesters history
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
How Does A Drag Queen Tuck Her Big Dick
harvesters Austria
In Austria, the Run started on the harvest workers! Those who have some quota for harvest in Austria would certainly should hurry up. The process of registration in Austria, fortunately, much easier and less bureaucratic than in Germany.
give way, including Eastern European agencies harvesters to Austria. These are not there as seasonal workers in Germany, but called seasonal workers.
In Austria, the Run started on the harvest workers! Those who have some quota for harvest in Austria would certainly should hurry up. The process of registration in Austria, fortunately, much easier and less bureaucratic than in Germany.
give way, including Eastern European agencies harvesters to Austria. These are not there as seasonal workers in Germany, but called seasonal workers.
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