Friday, November 14, 2008

Short Leg After Hip Surgery

harvest workers in mushroom cultivation exploited

harvest workers are exploited, unfortunately, still, even if the course is not the rule! Here again is a negative example from the Augsburg, Allgemeine Zeitung:

They labored in the chord, harvested mushrooms and Egerling for 15 cents per kilo. But the agency workers who were flown in from Poland to a dozen mushroom growers in the area of Augsburg, had neither a work permit nor were they registered for social insurance. The illegal practices with cheap labor, which were discovered in March 2007 during an audit by customs workers, now the justice system.

had in two similar procedures before District Judge Andrea laser, two Polish nationals - a 45-year-old man and a 35-year-old woman - because of violations accountable to the Employment Act. Both were holders of temporary employment agencies and had over the years some 100 Poles as harvesters to Grow taught. The foreigners worked as a kind of false self-employed own account.

The two defendants (defender: Moritz Bode) put confessions in court, but protested that they had believed that all necessary permits are concerned by the German mushroom growers, what this would have assured them. The court sentenced the two work forces lenders to a 20 month suspended sentence. They also have to pay total of about EUR 21 000 money circulation.

Source:,-Illegal-pickers-in-Mushroom-_arid, 1363899_regid, 2_puid, 2_pageid, 4490.html

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What Do Men Write In A Wedding Card

Federal Council has not voted

Anscheinend war die Tagesordnung überfüllt: Der Bundesrat hat auf seiner ersten Novembersitzung jedenfalls nicht über die Verlängerung der Arbeitserlaubnis für Saisonarbeiter von vier auf sechs Monate abgestimmt. Es ist jedoch davon auszugehen, dass die Regelung trotzdem zum Januar in Kraft tritt. Auf der vorübergehenden Tagesordnung des Bundesrats für nächste Sitzung am 28.11 ist der TOP aber noch nicht eingetragen.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Official Kyodai Mahjongg

press release of the Farmers' Association to extend the seasonal work period

Osteuropäische Saisonarbeitskräfte können 6 Monate beschäftigt werden
Die mögliche Beschäftigungsdauer von Saisonarbeitskräften aus bestimmten osteuro­päischen Countries will increase from four to six months. German Farmers Association (DBV), General Association of the German agricultural and forestry employers' organizations, Federal, state assembly and many members of parliament as well as affected businesses and trade organizations have used for some time for an extension to nine months. After the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs has given up his opposition now in part, at least the way for an extension of the tenure of six months off. The final approval of the Bundesrat is still pending. DBV and General Association welcome the extension, although an extension to nine months, more advantageous for many companies would have been.

DBV and General Association point out that the basic problem will remain for the special crops in Germany, however. The availability of a sufficient number of suitable seasonal workers to economically reasonable wages will not continue to be added to the extent that companies need it. Medium term, the profitability of production determines the level of maintenance of the special crop production in Germany, say the organizations. Since labor costs constitute in many businesses, the largest cost factor, these are only by the availability of seasonal workers vital. Therefore demand DBV and General Association continues the conclusion of bilateral agreements with Eastern European countries outside the European Union and the implementation of the overall labor mobility in Germany.